The Unanswered PRAYER COURSE

At the start of 2023, we asked Jesus the same question His first followers asked Him. “Lord, Teach us to pray.” We believe that if we put prayer at the center of our lives, our families and our church that God’s Kingdom will show up in our lives and in the world around us. If we want to be growing disciples of Jesus, then spending time with God in prayer needs to be the foundation of our lives.

Beginning in March, we offered Part 2 of Pete Greig’s Prayer Course to all of our small groups. Those sessions are still available even though the course is over. You can watch the teaching videos and explore the discussion questions and prayer practices for the Unanswered Prayer Course by clicking on the links below


SESSION 1 | God on Mute: Engaging the Silence | CLICK HERE
SESSION 2 | How Am I Going to Get Through This? | CLICK
SESSION 3 | Why Aren’t My Prayers Working? | CLICK
SESSION 4 | Where is God When Heaven is Silent | CLICK
SESSION 5 | When Will My Prayers Be Answered? | CLICK

The Unanswered Prayer Course is based on Pete’s book, God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer. If available, a copy can be purchased through Logos Bookstore (in Honolulu), Amazon or your favorite bookstore.