FOR THE WEEK OF may 5, 2024

TOGETHER SERMON SERIES: “Jesus and Divorce” by Tim Fearer

SCRIPTURE TO READ: Matthew 5:31-32


1. What do you make of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19:3-9 (which echoes Matthew 5:31-32) and his encounter with these particular Pharisees?

2. In the sermon, the pastor suggested a broader definition of “adultery” to include various behaviors that violate and can mortally wound a marriage relationship. What were some of those examples of marriage-violating behaviors? What do you think about them as legitimate grounds for divorce in the eyes of Jesus?** (And remember, the Bible never commands or insists on divorce. But, with qualification, it does permit it.)

3. Jesus is tenaciously fighting for marriage and taking a much stricter view of permissible dissolution of a couple. It was the minority view of the time. Even if we broaden the definition of what counts for “adulterous” behavior, how is that different than Hawaii’s “no-fault divorce” law and culture?

4. Broadening the definition of “adultery” allows for greater numbers of divorced people to remarry, if you stay within the limits of Jesus’ terms. What do you  think about that?

5. There is the question about remarriage for one who has divorced another on non-permissible grounds per the limits of Jesus’ words, even when expanded.

Is a new beginning (remarriage) possible for the truly repentant, no matter what they have done? What do you think?


1. What has been your experience with teaching on marriage and divorce in the churches you have been a part of other than FPC?

2. What has the teaching on this topic been like over the years at FPC?

3. What has been the attitude of your family of origin on these questions?

4. If you have been touched by divorce, how are these scriptures and Sunday’s message sitting with you?



1. Pray for those near to you who are in a difficult marriage.

2. If you are in a difficult marriage and have yet to reach out for support and counsel, then do so. (FPC leaders are here to listen.)

3. Share today’s message with someone who needs to hear it.


1. What kinds of ministry/ies ought FPC provide to the congregation and the broader community for building strong marriages, as well as for those finding their way through and beyond divorce?

2. How would such ministries be true to our stated mission – “Love God, Love People. Reach the World for Christ”?

3. Pray about this for FPC, and pray for each other given all you have shared.