Greater Than A Rock Star

by Pastor Dan Chun


So the Word became human and made His home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen His glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son. (John 1:14)

Sometimes people are in awe when they meet a celebrity. They become speechless. Not sure what to say. They might want to ask for an autograph, but they freeze. They can’t think of an opening line just to converse. This happened to me many years ago as a teenager, when I “met” singer Bob Dylan. I had figured out where to stand to see him when he arrived at the backstage door for his concert. I was there with my friend Carl, but when Bob Dylan walked by me …. I froze! No picture. No autograph. Just a stunned middle school student watching one of his heroes walk by.

When it comes to Jesus, we can sometimes forget that He is actually God who came down to this planet to live among us. It is incredibly mind-blowing! The Bible passage says He was full of “unfailing love and faithfulness.” He would love us and be loyal to us forever.

While it would be understandable that we might be speechless before God, God wants us to know that He is accessible through Jesus. Jesus is God in the flesh. He became human so that we might know of His unfailing love and His faithfulness.

This Christmas remember that God came to this earth and is with us every day. In spite of being the Maker of all things and all people, He is accessible, and far, far greater than any rock star.



  • Think of a time when you met a famous person. How did you feel?

  • How do you feel when you meet with God in prayer?

  • How would you live your life knowing He loves you and is with you always?

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